Indications for Invisalign Tooth Straightening System Braces
The Invisalign teeth straightening system is a clear, see-through alternative to traditional metal braces. The Invisalign system is indicated for dental patients with malocclusion, a misalignment of the teeth which can complicate biting and chewing, and is sometimes considered unattractive. Common types of tooth misalignment include overbite, underbite and tooth crowding. To address these issues, Invisalign devices fit over the teeth and are replaced approximately every two weeks with a new device as teeth adjust.
Because of its clear appearance, many adult and teen patients prefer the Invisalign system to metal braces. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign teeth alignment devices can be removed for eating, drinking, and tooth brushing. Because they are removable, Invisalign devices make it easy to maintain good oral hygiene through regular brushing and flossing. Patients may find that they experience less pain with the Invisalign system than with conventional braces, and are better able to maintain their oral hygiene.
To be successful, Invisalign treatment requires the patient cooperation in removing and replacing the system before and after every meal or brushing. In rare cases, some individuals may experience sensitivity to the materials used in Invisalign devices. Treatment recommendations should be followed exactly, so that the next alignment device in the series will fit properly and the patient will not incur the additional cost of an extra device. The Invisalign system is recommended for teens 13 and older, with the maturity to use the system properly.
If Invisalign sounds like a good fit for you or your teen, contact our office today at (206) 526-1437. For more information about the Invisalign alternative to braces or to schedule an appointment, fill out our handy Seattle dentist online contact form. Seattle dentist Fidler on the Tooth is dedicated to providing the best dental care for you and your family.